A GHOST STORY – Loss and Legacy

M: When I was little and we used to move all the time, I’d write these notes and I would fold them up really small. And I would hide them.

C: What’d they say?

M: They’re just things I wanted to remember so that if I ever wanted to go back, there’d be a piece of me there waiting.

In a day of age where every new movie is either a comic book adaptation, a sequel or a remake, it’s refreshing to see a movie that’s low budget and a completely original and passionate idea by the filmmaker. A24 has become one of the best film production companies over the last few years. They’ve become the go-to place for lesser known filmmakers who are just trying to get their vision across. And they’ve had huge success, distributing some of my now favorite movies like Moonlight, Swiss Army Man, Free Fire, Enemy and now A Ghost Story.

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A Ghost Story is a beautiful, melancholic, quiet and deeply poetic film. It’s portrayal of death and sadness is both realistic and emotionally touching. It’s nihilistic views on life and the legacy mankind wants to preserve. This is very much a movie about letting go and moving on from things that you love, but hold you back. C and M are a happy couple living together. Tragedy soon strikes as C dies in a car crash. He emerges as a ghost, with a white cloak covering his whole body and with two eye holes. He walks through the hospital. No one can see him. A light shines from the walls. C waits as the light disappears. He returns to his home. He sees what life is without him. M swallowing her sorrows and ultimately moving on. She leaves a note in the wall. C tries to get the note out as time passes by him in seconds. Years pass as everything comes and goes. Ultimately his journey takes him back to where he first bought the house with M. He sees his life with M and then his death and ghost state. C picks the note from the wall that M left and he leaves his now discarded sheet behind. MV5BNmZiM2ZmM2QtNGE0ZC00YWZmLWEwY2EtNTAwMjU2NjZiZTE4XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNDg2MjUxNjM@._V1_SY1000_SX1500_AL_

We all have attachments. And sometimes we have to let go. A Ghost Story explores attachments that hurt us more than give us closure. C’s journey to accepting his fate and moving on from what he can’t have anymore. And I think everyone can relate to that. In an interview, the director, David Lowery, explains an attachment he had with the first house he moved in with his wife and wanted to explore an idea about attachments to physical spaces. C’s attachment to the house he and M moved into reflects that. And even at one point M asks him why does he love this house so much. He replies, “History”. The movie is shot in an aspect ration of 1:33:1. Trying to capture the theme of being trapped in a place like a box. And ultimately, getting out.

A Ghost Story is a story of love, loss and acceptance. It’s a story about human attachments and letting go.

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